
An antivirus is utility software which detects and removes computer viruses. If the
software is not able to remove the virus, it is neutralized. The antivirus keeps a
watch on the functioning of the computer system. If a virus is found it may alert
the user, flag the infected program or kill the virus. Some of the common types of
viruses are:

Boot Sector Virus: A boot sector virus displaces the boot record and copies
itself to the boot sector i.e. where the program to boot the machine is stored.
So first the virus is loaded on to the main memory and then the operating
system. Whenever a new disk is inserted the virus copies itself to the new
disk. The antivirus overwrites the correct boot record on the infected boot
sector and also cleans the bad sectors.

File Virus: A file virus generally attacks executable files. They can attach to
various locations of the original file, replace code, fill in open spaces in the
code, or create companion files to work with an executable file. Most of the
file viruses are memory resident and wait in the memory until the user runs
another program. While another program is running, the virus replicates.

Macro Virus: This virus infects an important file called of MS
Word. As soon as the application is opened the virus gets activated. It
damages the formatting of documents and even may not allow editing or
saving of documents.

Trojan Horse: It is a code generally hidden in games or spreadsheets. Since
they are hidden, the program seems to function as the user wants but
actually, it is destroying the program. A Trojan horse does not require a host
program to embed itself. It is a complete program. Its main objective is to
cause harm to the data. They can create bad sectors on the disk, destroy file
allocation tables and cause the system to hang.

Worm: Worm is a program capable of replicating itself on a computer
network. A worm also does not require a host as it is a self-contained
program. They generally travel from one computer to another across
communication links on a network. They generally disrupt routine services.


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