Electronic Commerce or E-Commerce
as it is popularly known is a
natural development, which has
followed in the footsteps of the
Internet. The Internet is like a
shop, which is permanently open, all
24 hours and all 365 days in a
year. This makes the Internet the
ideal place to do business in. In
this kind of an electronic shop,
there is no requirement of a
shopkeeper or a cashier or a security
guard. Further, the shop can be
accessed by anybody in any part of
the world. It also does away with
the necessity of having an expensive
piece of real estate and furnishing
the same. All these attractive
features have made the Internet an
immensely popular place to set
up shops. In India, E-commerce is
not as widely popular or prevalent as in the western countries. The main reason
for this is that at present, it is
not possible to make payments by
credit card through the Internet.
Once the credit card companies are
in a position to offer the
cardholders some kind of assurance
about the security aspect of
making payments via the Internet,
the volcano of E-commerce will
erupt with a force that will shake
the entire Indian business scenario.
Even today, there are already
several outlets that have set up
their own web sites and who accept
purchase orders through the
Internet. A popular super market in
New Delhi, several cinema halls
in Mumbai, numerous book shops in
many cities are some such
examples of businesses which have
already started making use of
Internet for commercial purposes.
Thus, for example, one can book
tickets of a film running at a
particular cinema hall through the
internet and then go to the hall a
few minutes before the show,
identify one’s self and get the
tickets without having to wait for
hours in a queue. E-commerce throws
up several new challenges. The most important issue that is thrown up by such
commerce is that of taxation. For taxation purposes, the first question that
has to be addressed is where did the sale take place? Since there is no
physical form of the place of business in case of E-commerce, it becomes
difficult to determine the country/state/city from where the sale was
concluded. Accordingly, jurisdictional disputes arise about the taxation of the
same especially with respect to indirect taxes. Even the most advanced nations
such as U.S.A, Japan, France, and U.K have not yet been able to satisfactorily solve this problem.
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